How to Add a Course
(Memberpress & WooCommerce Combo)
Create Course
in MP Courses > Course
Give it a Title and a Featured Image.
Go Into the Curriculum tab, and Create at least one Section. Then Create at least one Lesson. Once you have created a lesson, you can now hover over it and click the Edit Lesson icon to add some content.
Create Membership
Memberships > Add New
Give it a Title (Course Title would work here), and a brief description of what the Course Entitles/Offers. Add the Price etc. in Membership Terms.
Create Access Rule
In Memberpress > Rules, add a new Rule and choose ‘A Single Course’ and select the Course… Then Acccess Conditions will be Membership and Select the corresponding Membership. Save Rule.
Create Product
In Products > Add New
Give it a Title (Course Name)
Create your “Sales Page” in the ‘Content ‘Product Description’ area. You can optionally use Elementor here if you want more oomph, but shouln’t be necessary.
Give it a brief description too in the “‘Product short description” area. This is what appears on the E-Course page.
Add a Product Image (use the same Image as the Course).
Add it to the “Courses” Category (on the right).
In the Product Data section – give it a price, make it a ‘Virtual product’, and then in the MemberPress tab, sync it with the Course Membership you created in previous steps.
(optional) FluentCRM connection
You can Create a Tag in FluentCRM, and in the Product there is a FluentCRM tab – where you can connect the two together.
If you’d prefer they go into a List instead, this can be done inside FluentCRM Automations.
Preparing Course Content ahead of time during a Prolonged Course.
You can make a Lesson under MP Courses > Lessons. And when ready, you can attach this to a Course, by editing the Course, and then dragging that lesson in from the list on the right.
(optional) Protecting files that only Members can access. If you want to provide files (PDFs and the like) that you want only Members to be able to download, use the MP Downloads section to add files, and generate links that you can email to people, or add to Course Content etc. then only those logged in with a membership account will be able to download.